Legal Notices
Website's publisher
This site "" belongs to "EURO-PREFA" registered at the commercial register under the SIRET number 432 740 215, headquartered at:
5 Boulevard des Astronautes
The publication director of this website is Mr. Vitor LUIS.
The Site is hosted by the company OVH, SAS au capital de 500 000€ - headquartered at: 140 Quai du Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - FRANCE. This website is protected by French and international legislation on royalties and intellectual property. All reproduction, representation and public communication rights are reserved, including visual, photographic, iconographic or other representations.
The User
The publication director of this website is Mr. Vitor LUIS.
The Site is hosted by the company OVH, SAS au capital de 500 000€ - headquartered at: 140 Quai du Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - FRANCE. This website is protected by French and international legislation on royalties and intellectual property. All reproduction, representation and public communication rights are reserved, including visual, photographic, iconographic or other representations.
The User
Any person having access to the Website, regardless of the capacity in which it is accessed (private or professional), its location, the means of connection to the Website, or the purpose and aim of their access to the information published on the Website, is a User of the Website.
The User is informed of the inherent risks in the Internet, regarding:
The User is informed of the inherent risks in the Internet, regarding:
- Security flaw during data transmission.
- The site may not be continuously accessible nor the different services offered by the website.
The Service Provider cannot be held liable for these risks nor consequences, regardless being damaging for the user. Each user should take all appropriate steps to protect its own data and / or software from contamination by viruses or other kind of attacks circulating throught the site or published informations.
The user cannot rely on any difficulty in accessing the website to access the fraudulent information of these General Conditions of Use. For the complaints to be noted, the User must send them to the Publisher solely by recorded post in the recommended format to the address cited above.
The user cannot rely on any difficulty in accessing the website to access the fraudulent information of these General Conditions of Use. For the complaints to be noted, the User must send them to the Publisher solely by recorded post in the recommended format to the address cited above.
The site editor
The site editor function is to ensure its proper fonctioning and safety. His/her job also includes facilitating the application of the present General Conditions of Use and to assure the loyal and responsible behaviour of each User.
Personnal data
In the application of the provisions of the amended law nº 78-17 of the 6 January 1978 entitled "Information Technology and Freedom", any physical person has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information concerning them. This right may be exercised at any time by e-mail or mail to the following address:
5 Boulevard des Astronautes
Every use of the site is reccorded.
The User is informed of the Publisher's ability to implement automated data collectors in order to identify Users and their subsequent visits to the Website. In some cases, the User may want to provide personal data compiled for statistical and reporting purposes. Besides, the user is informed that these data may be used for direct marketing purposes in similar products or services by the site editor. The User can then access to these datas and can object freely to those uses by writing a letter to the adress above.
Any other prospecting by the Publisher of the Website or any transfer to third parties (commercial partners, etc.) of this data will be subject to the express prior agreement of the User. The website editor agrees to take known technical precautions in order to preserve the personal data safety and to prevent them to be distorted, damaged or communicated to any unauthorized third parties.
Design, building and maintenance.
Site development - - email :